Installing baangt is easy

There’s a video on Youtube, that shows how to install baangt on your computer. In this article we’ll cover a bit more details and background information.

Installation directly on MacOS, Windows and Linux

Head over to Github and download the ZIP-File for your operating system. Unzip the contents into a folder of your choice and run the executable baangt. After baangt is started, you can work with the examples in the folder /examples. There are examples for Web and API-Tests. Settings files exist for API, Web, Appium and Selenium Grid executions. If you install baangt directly on your local computer you’ll need to provide details about Appium or Selenium Grid locations in your environment (only, if you want to run Appium or Selenium Grid. Everything else is ready out-of-the-box.).

Installation via Docker

You need to have Docker installed and working on your operating system (MacOS, Windows, Ubuntu). Download any of these repositories from Github:

The process for each of the docker containers is the same:

  • Change to the directory, where you downloaded the repository
  • Enter “make build” (this will take a long time, depending on your internet speed and the image size. Appium Docker with 8 GB will take the longest)
  • Enter “make run”

If you don’t have “make” command installed on your windows computer, you’ll need to download it or extract the commands from the Makefile

Stand-alone Docker and Selenium Grid Docker will start a VNC-server in the Docker. You can access the docker using vnc://localhost:5902 on your machine. The initial password is “password” (without “).

Appium Docker runs noVNC-mode. You can open your browser on http://localhost:6080 to reach the docker.

If you don’t have a VNC client in Windows, please download one, for instance works ok on Windows 10

These docker containers are for demonstration purposes only. They are not intended for productive systems! If you need to setup baangt for your production system please do it properly or reach out to us to discuss details.

Installation from the source

This is obviously for developers, who either want to contribute to the project or just take a peek at the source code. The full sources (including build tools for the executables) are in this github repository. You’ll need Python 3.6+ installed on your system. No need for an IDE, but if you need one, pyCharm is our favorite.

  • Create a virtual environment (Venv, Conda, any other will do). Activate the virtual environment. Enter pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Start baangt using python3

As in the other versions you’ll have the /examples folder there, ready for you to run and explore

Installation from Python Package Index (PyPi)

Obviously you’re a pro, or you wouldn’t read that. baangt’s main package is “baangt”, so the command to install baangt is “pip install baangt”. Now you can head over to ReadTheDocs and check out, how you can subclass baangt. One request: if you’re about to build some cool new feature, please consider donating it to the open source community by creating a pull request – or even better let’s talk about your idea. We’re on Telegram, Slack, Zoom and good old E-Mail.

Frequent problems

When you run the Docker containers we pre-loaded already everything, that is needed for baangt. We did our best to do so with the other install options, but we can’t download a browser to your computer. The default browser for baangt is Firefox. If you don’t have Firefox installed (and you don’t want to take this great chance to do so!), you can use Google Chrome. For both browsers we’ll download the browser drivers automatically. Usually we should detect whether Firefox or Chrome are installed on your system and chose the right browser. This is not always in all systems the case. You can directly influence the executed browser using the Settings -> Details dialog and enter “TC.Browser” with the desired value (“Chrome”, “FF”, “Safari” (only on MacOS), “Edge” (you need to download the driver yourself and copy edgedriver.exe to folder /baangt/BrowserDrivers/).

That’s it! 4 ways to install baangt. Don’t be shy, leave a comment!