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How to use Baangt test suite software, updates and more

How to deal with versions of test cases for different environments

How to deal with versions of test cases for different environments

Abstract As we deal with maturing software, we're often faced with the need to adjust our test cases on different stages, for instance Development environment, Final Quality environment, Hotfix-Stage, Migration stage and many more. Baangt offers a simple yet powerful...

Weekly free POC

Weekly free POC

One interesting test automation project per week is implemented for free! We don’t stop at Hello-World-Examples – we show continuously how simple it is with baangt to maintain real world software regression tests.

DAP is an option. But you can do better!

DAP is an option. But you can do better!

Just because everybody does it, doesn't mean there is no better option. The spike in spirituality, that happens worldwide on Thursday evenings is caused by DAP (Deploy And Pray). Not all DAP-Practicioners perform weekly, not all of them on Thursdays. But Thursday...

Statistical reporting in baangt

Statistical reporting in baangt

baangt UI provides now the same reporting capabilities as it’s big brother baangtDB. Check the history of your test case executions to identify flaky test cases and conditions!

4 ways to install baangt on MacOS, Windows and Linux

Installing baangt is easy There's a video on Youtube, that shows how to install baangt on your computer. In this article we'll cover a bit more details and background information. Installation directly on MacOS, Windows and Linux Head over to Github and download the...